Are You Coping or Recharging in Troubled Times? The Answer Might Surprise You
As the end of the year approaches, for many of us the workplace is getting more intense. This, coupled with a precarious market environment, means one thing: stress. In trying to manage the competing demands placed on you, we think...
Bringing More Joy to Work
“The first pillar of joy… the first pillar of truth… and the first pillar of justice… is perspective.” The Book of Joy by Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu A flutter of excitement in your chest. Warmth trickling into your stomach....
Resilience: remaking ourselves under pressure
Leadership Primer: Resilience: remaking ourselves under pressure Resilience is a fundamental quality that defines humanity. But more than ever before, we are being called on to dip into our reserves and bounce back. In this leadership primer, we look at...
Amping your Somatic Intelligence
By NOT taking the emotion out of it To remain relevant, competitive, and buoyant, organisations need to change the frequency of their actions into increasingly shorter cycles. This perpetual change demands new processes, systems and behaviours that can be challenging for...
Time and Task
Enlisting our full selves in the battle The pace of the modern workplace is relentless — there’s no doubt about it. A recent article in the Harvard Business Review found that between 2016 and 2022 the number of planned enterprise changes an employee would...
Tuning into the Wisdom Within
Consciously Embracing Somatic Intelligence for Authentic Leadership Have you ever experienced that visceral reaction when something just doesn’t sit right with you? Maybe your stomach churns, your chest tightens, or your legs tense up. That gut feeling isn’t just a...
“I’m here to get it right and not be right”
Building safe workplaces By Nikki Brown & Marcus de Courtenay Download PDF In a poll run by RightTrack, a UK-based people consultancy, 55% of people said they were too scared to talk about diversity and inclusion in the workplace because...
Psychological safety as a risk mitigant for psycho-social hazards
As people across human resources (and the broader employment landscape) in Australia continue to grapple with the implications of the psychosocial hazard changes to WHS law, there is a powerful correspondence with a leadership and team theory that some are...
Emotional Labour and Antifragility for Leaders
There is no doubt that modern leadership is demanding. Employee expectations are increasing year on year. And the already weighty organisational expectations are certainly not going anywhere. Leaders are called on to place the well-being and interests of their team...
Versatility in Leadership: The Balance Between Adaptation and Overload
How to stay everything for everyone We’ve been talking a lot with our clients about versatility in leadership. Rather than ascribing to static ways of leading or being in the workplace, a focus on versatile leadership acknowledges that our approach often...