HomeWhat we doOrganisation Design

Immerse. Design.

We take a systematic and humanistic approach to building your future, driving transformation from the inside out.

Organisations are a powerful interplay of people and systems. Uplifting both these aspects is critical to reaching our potential.

“Every system is perfectly designed to get the results it gets.”

W. Edward Deming

Organisational Design

Complementing our focus on strategy, leadership and team development, capability building, and tools for performance, our organisational design work delivers what is needed to transform your systems and ways of working – so you can supercharge your impact.

We partner with clients on an end-to-end journey that flows from their strategy and purpose, as well as on shorter interventions at particular stages of their evolution. Whether it’s designing organisational structures that enable, creating flourishing cultures, modelling capabilities, maximising performance, fashioning industry leading employee value propositions, or nurturing real diversity, equity, and inclusion, we can support you through your entire employee experience journey – ensuring you have the right processes in place at the right time, and delivering the right outcomes.

Organisational Architecture

Once upon a time, businesses followed very rigid structures. How we design our organisations now is only as limited as our imaginations. Utilising cutting-edge research and theories, we empower you to build an ecosystem that enables your people to flourish. Our comprehensive reviews analyse your whole of system, identifying opportunities for optimisation and enhanced performance. In deep partnership, we design optimal organisational structures, review position descriptions as well as targeted functional team structures, fostering collaboration, communication, and agility to optimise their performance.


  • Whole System Analysis
  • Design Organisational Structures
  • Review Position Descriptions
  • Review Targeted Functional Team Structures

Organisational Culture and Development

Culture is the lifeblood of organisations, influencing every aspect of organisational life. We partner with you on this journey, enabling you and your people to thrive. Our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) strategy fosters inclusive and empowering environments, amplifying every voice. We dream and design aspirational culture with you – conducting cultural surveys to identify opportunities and co-creating transformation pathways that uplift your ways of being as a collective. Understanding the value your organisation holds for employees, we articulate compelling employee value propositions that attract and retain top talent, enhancing the overall effectiveness of teams. Amidst today’s dynamic landscape, our change management support guides your organisation through periods of transition and evolution, facilitating smooth adaptation and growth.


  • DEI Strategy
  • Design Aspiration Culture
  • Conduct Cultural Surveys
  • Change Management Support

Talent and Succession Planning

As the competition for talent continues, our services play a critical role in securing your organisation’s brightest future. We support you to nurture your talent pool, identifying high-potential individuals through a clear capability matrix, and developing robust leadership pipelines through learning and development frameworks. Our comprehensive succession planning ensures a continuous influx of skilled leaders, safeguarding your organisation’s success.


  • Capability Matrix
  • Learning and Development Matrix
  • Succession Planning

Performance, Reward, and Recognition

Supporting people to reach their potential is our passion. We model and identify key capabilities for roles, designing systems that breed excellence in performance. Our work encompasses balanced scorecards, KPIs, performance management, and remuneration frameworks. We also evaluate short-and long-term incentive programs as well as design holistic reward and incentive frameworks against the market, delivering unique programs that inspire your people.


  • Identify Key Role Capabilities
  • Design Frameworks for Balanced Scorecards, KPIs, Performance Management, and Remuneration
  • Evaluation of Incentive Programs
  • Design Holistic Reward and Incentive Frameworks

Let’s move worlds together.

Get in touch today so we can get to know your
world and its transformational potential.

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