high performing teams

Showing 1 - 10 of 15 results
How does your organisation promote collaborative relationships? 

How does your organisation promote collaborative relationships? 

26 Mar 20257 minute read
Contrary to what some believe, collaboration is not just an activity we do. In organisations, collaboration means a number of dimensions aligning in a productive and valuable way. Specifically, we like to talk about three elements to collaboration:  When we...
Collaboration in Today’s Work Context

Collaboration in Today’s Work Context

17 Mar 20257 minute read
“None of us is as smart as all of us.” Ken Blanchard The ability to collaborate is considered a key leadership attribute in contemporary workplaces. It is our proven best ally in a world that constantly serves up complex and...
Faciliative Leadership: The Art of Holding Space for Transformation 

Faciliative Leadership: The Art of Holding Space for Transformation 

13 Mar 202512 minute read
Over the many years of working in the field of transformation, I have formed the opinion that facilitative leadership is not just a skill, it’s an art, a way of being, and a constant act of self-awareness, self-regulation, and attuning...
Deliberately Developmental Learning Cultures

Deliberately Developmental Learning Cultures

14 Oct 202413 minute read
Have you ever thought that you’d love to take part in a professional development program at work, but the constant push to deliver makes it impossible to take time off? Do you feel like you’re expected to choose between your...
Responsibility, Accountability and Leadership

Responsibility, Accountability and Leadership

26 Sep 20244 minute read
“The price of greatness is responsibility.” – Winston Churchill  There’s no doubt that greatness and responsibility are inextricably interlinked. But responsibility is often connected with another concept. Business thinkers can use the words ‘responsibility’ and ‘accountability’ almost interchangeably. Either that...
Leaning In: The Difference between Being Accountable and Taking Accountability

Leaning In: The Difference between Being Accountable and Taking Accountability

03 Sep 20248 minute read
Organisations run on accountability. As a consequence, few things preoccupy leaders more than ensuring that their teams take responsibility for their actions, decisions, and performance for the benefit of the whole. However, what it means to “be accountable” and “take...
Bridging Polarities – The Ginsburg-Scalia Effect

Bridging Polarities – The Ginsburg-Scalia Effect

13 Jun 20244 minute read
Despite our best intentions, we won’t get along with all of our work colleagues all the time. Differences in values, beliefs, objectives, priorities, and goals are inevitable in the workplace (and in life). And that’s ok. Dissent can be a...
Leading Diverse (Thinking) Teams

Leading Diverse (Thinking) Teams

26 Feb 20246 minute read
What do an expert in wound healing, a leading veterinary surgeon, and a specialist in theatrical makeup have in common? Together they were able to produce a breakthrough product intended to prevent infections associated with surgery for the company 3M....
“I’m here to get it right and not be right”

“I’m here to get it right and not be right”

25 Jan 20245 minute read
Building safe workplaces By Nikki Brown & Marcus de Courtenay Download PDF In a poll run by RightTrack, a UK-based people consultancy, 55% of people said they were too scared to talk about diversity and inclusion in the workplace because...
How to Influence Psychological Safety from the Bottom Up

How to Influence Psychological Safety from the Bottom Up

11 Jan 20244 minute read
When your leaders think they’re providing psych safety, but they’re not, how can we have that conversation? The notion of psychological safety in the workplace has gained a welcome rise in prominence over recent years. It’s a regular topic of...

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