Posts by Marcus de Courtenay

Leadership on the Stage

Have you ever felt as though you are performing?   Sometimes our clients say to us just that – it feels like they are on a stage when “being” a leader.   In fact, the connection between leader and actor is...
Dr. Natasha Budd & Marcus de Courtenay
Innovation Insights Leadership Learning and Development

Four Practices for Building Regenerative Organisational Cultures

​Our thinking is shifting. No longer are we focused solely on sustainability as our long-term goal. Instead, we are seeking more regenerative futures. Regenerative thinking is about creating the conditions conducive to life. It asks us: what makes life flourish...
Dr. Natasha Budd & Marcus de Courtenay
Culture Innovation Insights Leadership Learning and Development Strategy Teams

Transformational Leadership: Then and Now

When we picture great leaders, familiar names often come to mind: Nelson Mandela, Gandhi or Hillary Clinton. Something about them embodies our common ideas about leadership.  They possess charisma, an inspiring vision, and integrity of character. They emanate a sort...
Nikki Brown & Marcus de Courtenay
Culture Innovation Insights Leadership Learning and Development Storytelling Strategy Teams

Leading for Regenerative Futures

“The organisation modelled on living systems is a move away from thinking of the organisation as a rigid, reductive, mechanistic hierarchy, living systems are agile, vibrant, resilient, responsive, innovative, diverse and regenerative.”  Giles Hutchins and Laura Storm In our previous...
Marcus de Courtenay
Insights Leadership Learning and Development Strategy Teams

Creative Leadership: Leading With and For Creativity

As technology continues its automation of programmatic work, the premium on creativity in the workplace only grows. Creativity allows us to imagine, play with, and build previously unknown futures. It is the fuel behind innovation, offering up the raw material...
Marcus de Courtenay
Culture Innovation Insights Leadership Learning and Development Teams

Digital Connections | Knowledge Transfer in Hybrid Environments

The Deloitte study Global Human Capital Trends found organisations believe “knowledge management” to be one of the top three issues influencing their success. And yet, despite how crucial it is for operational continuity and growth, large aspects of knowledge management...
Laura Clemesha & Marcus de Courtenay
Culture Innovation Insights Leadership Learning and Development Strategy Teams