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Ephemeral Art Workshops

Step into the world of ephemeral art and integrate nature’s bounty into your leadership and team building pathways with Shona Wilson and Performance Frontiers.

Connect to Nature, Self, and Others

Shona, an accomplished Australian sculptor known for her one-of-a-kind land art and assemblages, brings over three decades of expertise in creating with found natural materials.

In her workshops, Shona invites participants to explore their creativity and deepen their connection to the natural world.

These experiential learning opportunities, embedded with values of sustainability, creativity, mindfulness, and deep listening, provide a unique sensorial opening to the natural world. The gentle yet profound process encourages a deeper connection to nature, oneself, and others.

“Creating with Nature’s overlooked fragments, brings me closer to understanding the world we share. These materials are storehouses of knowledge and information. They act as ‘keys’, unlocking doors to memory, science, history and imagination. Exploring our world through the myriad of natural found materials collected, observed or arranged in my day-to-day life is a continuing theme and motivation for my art practice. The intersects between art, nature, science and spirit are potent spaces to research and create within.”

Shona Wilson

Endeavour Group

Ephemeral Art
Workshops in Practice

Leaning in?

Eager to enter the unique world of EEL, where the profound merges with the practical, unlocking doors to trust, effective communication, and impactful leadership?

Paula’s workshops provide the perfect space to allow the wisdom of these majestic creatures to enhance your understanding of conscious and unconscious behaviours. Inspired by nature, EEL is not just an experience—it’s a powerful tool in your leadership toolkit.

If you would like to find out more about how Paula Johnston and our EEL partnership can help shape your transformation journey, please reach out using the form below.

Let’s move worlds together.

Get in touch today so we can get to know your
world and its transformational potential.

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