
Showing 20 - 30 of 41 results
Finding Our Whole | The Shift from us AND Environment to us AS Environment

Finding Our Whole | The Shift from us AND Environment to us AS Environment

22 Nov 20229 minute read
“The major problems in the world are the result of the difference between how nature works, and the way people think” – Gregory Bateson  The shift away from mechanistic thinking and old power paradigms into whole living-systems thinking has brought with...
Four Practices for Building Regenerative Organisational Cultures

Four Practices for Building Regenerative Organisational Cultures

15 Nov 20227 minute read
​Our thinking is shifting. No longer are we focused solely on sustainability as our long-term goal. Instead, we are seeking more regenerative futures. Regenerative thinking is about creating the conditions conducive to life. It asks us: what makes life flourish...
Transformational Leadership: Then and Now

Transformational Leadership: Then and Now

19 Oct 20226 minute read
When we picture great leaders, familiar names often come to mind: Nelson Mandela, Gandhi or Hillary Clinton. Something about them embodies our common ideas about leadership.  They possess charisma, an inspiring vision, and integrity of character. They emanate a sort...
Creative Leadership: Leading With and For Creativity

Creative Leadership: Leading With and For Creativity

14 Sep 20227 minute read
As technology continues its automation of programmatic work, the premium on creativity in the workplace only grows. Creativity allows us to imagine, play with, and build previously unknown futures. It is the fuel behind innovation, offering up the raw material...
De-escalating with CALM

De-escalating with CALM

12 Jul 20228 minute read
After years of doom scrolling our way through the day, we are in many ways tired. One part of this is just the loss of our normal quality and joy of life from the pandemic: we have been languishing. Another...
The Ties that Bind Us: External Social Capital and Innovation

The Ties that Bind Us: External Social Capital and Innovation

18 May 20228 minute read
Few partnerships could be considered more profitable than that of “Wintel”. Microsoft and Intel dominated the PC-era and led the market in a range of metrics, managing to achieve a continuing level of innovation which delivered better PC performance for...
What is Attunement?

What is Attunement?

13 May 20228 minute read
Curiosity and empathy are familiar terms in personal and leadership development. It could be argued that, to a degree, curiosity facilitates the practice of empathy. By asking open and compassionate questions, we are also opening our minds and hearts to...
Cultures of Recognition

Cultures of Recognition

06 May 202211 minute read
“Social capital is fundamentally about how people interact with each other.” Dekker and Uslaner The Coronavirus pandemic has tested and stretched us; it’s also been the catalyst for many transformations in the work environment. Patterns and processes that we thought...
Growing Pains: What The Science Behind Hybrid Working Tells Us

Growing Pains: What The Science Behind Hybrid Working Tells Us

22 Apr 20228 minute read
​Zoom fatigue, back-to-back meetings, and lack of commute time to decompress… Hybrid working has brought with it a whole new raft of considerations and challenges. And while we know instinctively and practically how much our patterns of communication have changed,...
The Social Animal: Finding Fulfilment

The Social Animal: Finding Fulfilment

19 Apr 20228 minute read
Many years of sociological research have identified a number of primary social needs that drive human behaviour. During periods of change and disruption, we can experience a particular threat to these needs, which may translate into anxious, stressed, and even...

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