Posts by Marcus de Courtenay

Radical Candour for Executives

The author of Radical Candour, Kim Scott, tells the powerful story about a time when Cheryl Sandberg gave her feedback after she made a presentation. Sandberg said it went well but gently pressed her on the fact that she said...
Marcus de Courtenay
C-suite Conscious leadership Executives Feedback Insights Leadership Leadership Leadership skills Radical candor Storytelling

“I’m just not a people person!”

How fixed mindsets can impact our ability to partner consciously Effective partnering is an integral part of elevating the consciousness of an organisation, however we can often hold each other back through fixed mindsets. How often do you hear the...
Marcus de Courtenay
Conscious leadership Consciousness Insights Leadership Leadership Partnerships Self Leadership Storytelling Teams Transformation

The Case for Conscious Organisations: The Time is Now

The world has reached a crisis point. We are confronted with study after study describing the looming catastrophe of our inaction on climate change. Resignations continue to hit all major industries as people search for ways to spend their lives meaningfully,...
Marcus de Courtenay
Conscious leadership Consciousness Culture Insights Leadership Leadership Purpose Storytelling Transformation

Feedback and Familiarity – how to see our colleagues with fresh eyes

How to see our colleagues with fresh eyes As we work together with people over a long (or even medium) period of time, it is easy to become very fixed in how we see them. It is part of human nature...
Marcus de Courtenay
Conscious leadership Development Feedback Insights Leadership Leadership skills Perspective Storytelling Teams and teamwork

Regenerative Workplace Cultures

“For me, a regenerative culture is a culture that is consciously building the capacity of everybody in a particular place to respond and change and accepts transformation as something that life just ‘does’.” — Daniel Wahl Life has an inherent capacity...
Marcus de Courtenay
Capacity building Culture Insights Leadership Leadership Regeneration Storytelling Work

Emotional Labour and Antifragility for Leaders

There is no doubt that modern leadership is demanding. Employee expectations are increasing year on year.  And the already weighty organisational expectations are certainly not going anywhere. Leaders are called on to place the well-being and interests of their team...
Laura Clemesha & Marcus de Courtenay
Insights Leadership Learning and Development