HomeHow we do itOur Methodology

Whole system transformation,
by design.

Our approach is purposeful. It’s an art and a science. Grounded in business and systems theory, and deeply human.

In all we do, from consulting to coaching and group facilitation, we work through our unique Transformatory Methodology™.

Our Transformative Performance ™ Methodology

Our purpose of building human capacity for regenerative futures at Performance Frontiers involves a deep understanding and commitment to the art and science of organisational learning and development. The art lies in the design and delivery of programs that are applicable, meaningful and useful to individuals and organisations. The science resides in the ability to imbue learning programs with theoretical frameworks that are relevant, contemporary and substantive.

At the foundation of our work within organisational development and human resource disciplines are two notions; the understanding of organisations as complex, living systems, and an ongoing commitment to researching and developing the best methods for facilitating sustainable behavioural change in individuals and teams.

In all we do – strategy, organisational design, leadership & team development, and capability building, we work through our unique methodology we have created known as Transformatory Performance™. This model recognises that for effective personal and organisational growth to occur, the stages of planning, action, observation and reflection need to be incorporated into any type of intervention. These areas enable us to support our clients in visioning, strategising and creating directions, exploring new behaviours and environmental changes, identifying new possibilities and deconstructing and synthesising the results. The cycle repeats itself, achieving a new level of refinement each time, and resulting in incremental transformations in performance.

The diagram below visualises what you’ll experience through our Transformatory Performance™ methodology.

Imagination, Exploration and Transformation

Imagine, the future you wish to see.
Explore, opportunities for change across your whole system.
Transform, where needed, so your people, business and whole system thrive.

Let’s move worlds together.

Get in touch today so we can get to know your
world and its transformational potential.

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