PAUSE WITH PF | Episode 11 | Service Leadership & Self-Care

About this video

As we start a bright new year, we’re talking about prioritising self-transformation in our leadership – how, by first looking inwards, we can heighten our capacity to effect change.

One area where self-transformation is critical is when we reimagine the notion of service leadership. Also referred to as ‘servant leadership’, the primary objective of this model is to serve and meet the needs of others – relying on “giving” rather than “glory”.

While this people-focused model has been successful in its goal to develop individuals with increased levels of trust, a sense of belonging, commitment and loyalty, and performance – at Performance Frontiers we have noticed that, over time, sustaining its practice can lead to burnout for leaders.

Today we’d like to adopt what we term our ‘oxygen masks first’ approach – and share with you 3 steps we can all take to prioritise ourselves, in order to better serve others.