Dr. Paul Makeham

Partner in Coaching & Facilitation

Paul creates purposeful conversations which invite us to explore, to experiment, and to expand.

Paul is passionate about enhancing leadership and professional development through applied theatre, and creative forms and techniques. He has been at the heart of our creative exploration and point of difference, bringing his expansive thinking and playfulness to many of our program designs.  

To complement that, Paul is also a highly experienced executive coach who offers clarity, humour, and deep humanity to our clients. He is accredited in a range of leadership assessments modalities, including LSI 360 and Vertical Leadership’s Global Leadership Profile and action logics, which he expertly debriefs in order to support leaders to become more aware of their current mindsets and paradigms. 

Prior to joining Performance Frontiers, he led a prolific career at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT). Among his varied leadership roles, Paul made significant contributions as Director of Corporate Education (Creative Industries), as well as Professor and Head of School of Media, Entertainment & Creative Industries. He served on the La Boite Theatre Company Board for eight years, including four years as Chair.


  • Leadership Development
  • High Performing Teams
  • Experiential Learning
  • Cultural Development
  • Authentic Communication
  • Stakeholder Engagement
  • Applied Theatre
  • Arts-based Practice
  • Coaching and Mentoring
  • Transformational Change


University of Newcastle

Doctor of Philosophy - Discourses of Landscape in Contemporary Australian Drama

University of Newcastle

BA Honours (1st Class) “Community, Art & Patronage”

Human Synergistics

Life Styles Inventory™/Group Styles Inventory™ Accredited Practitioner

Human Synergistics

Leadership/Impact® (L/I) Leadership Assessment Accredited Practitioner


Global Leadership Profile (GLP) Accredited Practitioner

Global Leadership Associates

Vertical Organisational Development

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