psychological safety

Tuning into the Wisdom Within

Consciously Embracing Somatic Intelligence for Authentic Leadership Have you ever experienced that visceral reaction when something just doesn’t sit right with you? Maybe your stomach churns, your chest tightens, or your legs tense up. That gut feeling isn’t just a...
Marcus de Courtenay
Conscious leadership, Culture, Insights, Leadership, Psychological Safety, Storytelling

“I’m here to get it right and not be right”

Building safe workplaces By Nikki Brown & Marcus de Courtenay Download PDF In a poll run by RightTrack, a UK-based people consultancy, 55% of people said they were too scared to talk about diversity and inclusion in the workplace because...
Marcus de Courtenay
Diversity and Inclusion, Insights, Leadership, Leadership, Leadership skills, Learning and Development, Psychological Safety, Self Leadership, Storytelling

Psychological safety as a risk mitigant for psycho-social hazards

As people across human resources (and the broader employment landscape) in Australia continue to grapple with the implications of the psychosocial hazard changes to WHS law, there is a powerful correspondence with a leadership and team theory that some are...
Marcus de Courtenay
Diversity and Inclusion, Insights, Leadership, Leadership, Leadership skills, Psychological Safety, Storytelling, Teams

How to Influence Psychological Safety from the Bottom Up

When your leaders think they’re providing psych safety, but they’re not, how can we have that conversation? The notion of psychological safety in the workplace has gained a welcome rise in prominence over recent years. It’s a regular topic of...
Dr. Marianne de Pierres
Conscious leadership, Culture, Insights, Leadership, Leadership, Leadership skills, Psychological Safety, Storytelling, Teams

The Case for Conscious Organisations: The Time is Now

The world has reached a crisis point. We are confronted with study after study describing the looming catastrophe of our inaction on climate change. Resignations continue to hit all major industries as people search for ways to spend their lives meaningfully,...
Marcus de Courtenay
Conscious leadership, Consciousness, Culture, Insights, Leadership, Leadership, Purpose, Storytelling, Transformation

Psychological Safety: The Magic Recipe

“Today’s leaders must be willing to take on the job of driving fear out of the organisation to create the conditions for learning, innovation, and growth.” – Amy Edmondson You may recall the terrible tragedy of the Boeing 737 MAX...
Gretel Bakker & Marcus de Courtenay
Culture, Insights, Leadership, Learning and Development, Strategy, Teams

Creative Courtyards | Making Space For Creativity

It’s been said that creative thought is at the core of human progress. In this context, it can be seen as the reason we enjoy our contemporary way of living and technological advancements. And yet creative thought is still regarded...
Dr. Marianne de Pierres
Culture, Innovation, Leadership, Learning and Development, Strategy, Teams