conscious leadership

Tension at the Top: Status and Leadership 

If there’s one thing that often derails a successful leadership career, it’s the siren call of status. At a certain level of career advancement, people stop being motivated as much by money. Regardless of the salary they reach though, they...
Marcus de Courtenay
Insights, Leadership, Learning and Development

Co-Leadership: The Power of Plurality 

For a long time, leadership has been dominated by the myth of the lone leader. You know the type – that lofty figure standing at the top of the corporate hierarchy. Gazing wisely down on the organisation, power amassed in...
Marcus de Courtenay
Insights, Leadership

Inclusion, Expression, and the Workplace 

Conflict in the workplace is a growing concern for many organisations, particularly in the year of what is looking to be a very tumultuous US election. However, this problem is not confined to the US. Both within our workplace and with...
Nikki Brown & Marcus de Courtenay
Culture, Insights, Leadership, Partnering

Why Should We Think About Eco-systems?

“We are in the midst of a revolution in consciousness – from separateness to connectedness.” Giles Hutchins If you ever read science fiction when you were growing up, you will probably relate to Jeff Bezos’ burning desire to expand into...
Dr. Marianne de Pierres
Insights, Leadership

Bridging Polarities – The Ginsburg-Scalia Effect

Despite our best intentions, we won’t get along with all of our work colleagues all the time. Differences in values, beliefs, objectives, priorities, and goals are inevitable in the workplace (and in life). And that’s ok. Dissent can be a...
Dr. Marianne de Pierres
Insights, Leadership, Partnering, Teams

The Employer Learning Revolution

There’s no doubt that the reskilling imperative is going to change the way we think about employers. As the Global Chairman of PwC has said, “Upskilling is one of the most urgent challenges of our time…” In what is being...
Marcus de Courtenay
Future of work, Insights, Learning and Development, Storytelling

Generative Power – Mapping AI Systems

A decade ago, when Jeremy Heimans and Henry Timms began talking about New Power, it was a jump across a chasm from command-and-control management to much more distributed, horizontal leadership styles. Power, they declared, was no longer something to be hoarded but...
Dr. Marianne de Pierres
Conscious leadership, Future of work, Insights, Leadership, Storytelling

Horizontal Leadership

The role of a leader is transforming.Our ever-changing environment means that organisations are adapting to be more agile, innovative, and customer-focused. Moving to deeper levels of agility is calling on us to lead “horizontally.” The leadership of the past has...
Gretel Bakker & Marcus de Courtenay & Dr. Marianne de Pierres
Culture, Insights, Leadership, Teams

Leveraging Creative and Critical Thinking for Better Decision-Making

We hear a lot about critical thinking in the workplace and how it’s needed to exercise good judgment in solving complex problems. But what constitutes critical thinking? Is it something that we practice in isolation from other forms of intelligence?...
Dr. Marianne de Pierres & Gretel Bakker
Conscious leadership, Creative Thinking, Critical Thinking, Insights, Leadership, Leadership skills, Storytelling