Performance Frontiers

Emotional Labour and Antifragility for Leaders

There is no doubt that modern leadership is demanding. Employee expectations are increasing year on year.  And the already weighty organisational expectations are certainly not going anywhere. Leaders are called on to place the well-being and interests of their team...
Laura Clemesha & Marcus de Courtenay
Insights, Leadership, Learning and Development

Is Versatile Leadership Wise Leadership?

Leadership today is exacting. Whichever management book or article you read, the skill sets required to succeed, seem endless. Mantles such as service, adaptive, agile, transformational, horizontal, regenerative, creative, and vertical leadership are just a few of an exhausting list,...
Dr. Marianne de Pierres & Nikki Brown
Conscious leadership, Insights, Leadership, Leadership, Leadership skills, Learning and Development, Storytelling

Recharging the Versatile Leader

How to stay everything for everyone We’ve been talking a lot with our clients about versatile leadership. Rather than ascribing to static ways of leading or being in the workplace, a focus on versatile leadership acknowledges that our approach often needs...
Marcus de Courtenay
Burnout, Conscious leadership, Insights, Leadership, Leadership, Resilience, Storytelling, Versatility, Wellness

From Adaptation to Innovation: The Power of Ambidexterity and Radical Optionality

Ambidexterity Ambidextrous organisations (meaning: efficient today while adapting to tomorrow’s demands) are identified by their ability to exploit existing competencies as well as explore new opportunities, with equal skill. Generally speaking, their ambidexterity is intentionally activated by a vision and a...
Dr. Marianne de Pierres
Complexity, Conscious leadership, Development, Future of work, Innovation, Insights, Leadership, Storytelling, Strategy, Transformation

Unlocking Strategic Networking

“Networking” can get a bad rap in the workplace. But humans have been connecting across groups, societies and cultures for as long as it’s been possible to do so. Networking with others is not just about finding that next job...
Marcus de Courtenay & Dr. Chris Rowell
Innovation, Insights, Leadership, Learning and Development, Strategy

Behavioural Synchrony in a Virtual World

​Have you ever wondered why we love to clap in unison with a group of people? Why parents and children will often synchronise their expressions and noises during play? Or why, on a night out, we might find ourselves unconsciously...
Dr. Natasha Budd & Marcus de Courtenay
Innovation, Insights, Leadership, Learning and Development, Strategy, Teams

Influencing Up

“I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.” Dr Stephen Covey. We know from many studies that the key to our enjoyment of work is the sense that we are being listened to,...
Nikki Brown & Dr. Marianne de Pierres
Insights, Leadership, Learning and Development, Strategy

Why Mentoring Programs are a No-Brainer

“In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn.” ― Phil Collins  One of the most celebrated mentoring ‘pairs’ of our time are Bill Gates and Warren Buffet. Over a 30 plus year friendship, Bill learnt much, saying...
Nikki Brown & Marcus de Courtenay
Culture, Insights, Leadership, Learning and Development, Strategy, Teams

Amping Up Team Alignment

​When we hear the words team alignment, our minds are liable to jump to an image of a group of people nodding away in agreement, smiles marking their faces and cohesion sparkling in their eyes. But this image can lead...
Nikki Brown & Marcus de Courtenay
Culture, Innovation, Insights, Leadership, Learning and Development, Strategy, Teams