Conscious leadership

Creativity: “what’s the principle before the practice?”

In recent years, attitudes to creativity and its importance to organisations have evolved. It no longer sits outside business as an optional plug-in, but is a more integrated and valued part of what good looks like. Workplaces that genuinely embrace...
Dr. Marianne de Pierres & Nikki Brown
Creative Thinking, Insights, Leadership, Leadership skills, Learning and Development, Storytelling, Storytelling

Time and Task

Enlisting our full selves in the battle The pace of the modern workplace is relentless — there’s no doubt about it. A recent article in the Harvard Business Review found that between 2016 and 2022 the number of planned enterprise changes an employee would...
Marcus de Courtenay
Conscious leadership, Development, Insights, Leadership, Leadership, Leadership skills, Storytelling, Storytelling

Tuning into the Wisdom Within

Consciously Embracing Somatic Intelligence for Authentic Leadership Have you ever experienced that visceral reaction when something just doesn’t sit right with you? Maybe your stomach churns, your chest tightens, or your legs tense up. That gut feeling isn’t just a...
Marcus de Courtenay
Conscious leadership, Culture, Insights, Leadership, Psychological Safety, Storytelling

Radical Candour for Executives

The author of Radical Candour, Kim Scott, tells the powerful story about a time when Cheryl Sandberg gave her feedback after she made a presentation. Sandberg said it went well but gently pressed her on the fact that she said...
Marcus de Courtenay
C-suite, Conscious leadership, Executives, Feedback, Insights, Leadership, Leadership, Leadership skills, Radical candor, Storytelling

“I’m just not a people person!”

How fixed mindsets can impact our ability to partner consciously Effective partnering is an integral part of elevating the consciousness of an organisation, however we can often hold each other back through fixed mindsets. How often do you hear the...
Marcus de Courtenay
Conscious leadership, Consciousness, Insights, Leadership, Leadership, Partnerships, Self Leadership, Storytelling, Teams, Transformation

The Case for Conscious Organisations: The Time is Now

The world has reached a crisis point. We are confronted with study after study describing the looming catastrophe of our inaction on climate change. Resignations continue to hit all major industries as people search for ways to spend their lives meaningfully,...
Marcus de Courtenay
Conscious leadership, Consciousness, Culture, Insights, Leadership, Leadership, Purpose, Storytelling, Transformation

Conscious Leadership for the Future Fit

Though the idea of conscious leadership and conscious organisations has been around since about 2014, it is emerging as the leadership beacon of our time. As we search for what will help us to become future fit (= not harming...
Dr. Marianne de Pierres
Conscious leadership, Consciousness, Culture, Future of work, Insights, Leadership, Leadership, Regeneration, Storytelling

Regenerative Workplace Cultures

“For me, a regenerative culture is a culture that is consciously building the capacity of everybody in a particular place to respond and change and accepts transformation as something that life just ‘does’.” — Daniel Wahl Life has an inherent capacity...
Marcus de Courtenay
Capacity building, Culture, Insights, Leadership, Leadership, Regeneration, Storytelling, Work

What is the Next Generation of Performance Metrics?

“What would it take for all of your employees, from the top to the bottom, to believe that they aren’t just working in the economy of money but also in the economy of meaning?” – Wahl As we continue to...
Nikki Brown & Dr. Marianne de Pierres
Culture, Innovation, Insights, Leadership, Learning and Development, Strategy, Teams