
Behavioural Synchrony in a Virtual World

​Have you ever wondered why we love to clap in unison with a group of people? Why parents and children will often synchronise their expressions and noises during play? Or why, on a night out, we might find ourselves unconsciously...
Dr. Natasha Budd & Marcus de Courtenay
Innovation, Insights, Leadership, Learning and Development, Strategy, Teams

Cohesing the Executive Team

As we aspire to regenerative futures and the best way to nurture sustainable growth for our people and systems, the focus falls squarely onto the cohesion and performance of our executive teams. So, what mindset is needed for high performing...
Gretel Bakker & Marcus de Courtenay
Innovation, Insights, Leadership, Learning and Development, Storytelling, Strategy, Teams

Cultures of Recognition

“Social capital is fundamentally about how people interact with each other.” Dekker and Uslaner The Coronavirus pandemic has tested and stretched us; it’s also been the catalyst for many transformations in the work environment. Patterns and processes that we thought...
Gretel Bakker & Dr. Marianne de Pierres
Culture, Innovation, Insights, Leadership, Learning and Development, Strategy, Teams

The Social Animal: Finding Fulfilment

Many years of sociological research have identified a number of primary social needs that drive human behaviour. During periods of change and disruption, we can experience a particular threat to these needs, which may translate into anxious, stressed, and even...
Marcus de Courtenay & Dr. Chris Rowell
Culture, Innovation, Insights, Leadership, Learning and Development, Strategy, Teams

Regenerative Teams: Rhythm and Reach

Few interpersonal relationships are more important to organisations than the dynamics of teams. It’s uncontroversial then to say that getting them right should be a priority.   On the one hand, the look of teams has changed irreparably in recent...
Marcus de Courtenay & Nikki Brown
Culture, Innovation, Leadership, Learning and Development, Strategy, Teams