Posts by Laura Clemesha

Supercharging Creativity

The Role of the Unconscious Eureka! We’ve all heard the story of the magic moment when an idea comes to someone in a shower. A problem that has been playing on your mind all week suddenly finds its solution at...
Laura Clemesha & Marcus de Courtenay
Creative Thinking Insights Learning and Development Storytelling Teams

Emotional Labour and Antifragility for Leaders

There is no doubt that modern leadership is demanding. Employee expectations are increasing year on year.  And the already weighty organisational expectations are certainly not going anywhere. Leaders are called on to place the well-being and interests of their team...
Laura Clemesha & Marcus de Courtenay
Insights Leadership Learning and Development

The Stewardship Mindset

Evolutionary biologists believe that one of the major reasons for the success of the human race has been our ability to work cooperatively in collectives. There’s no doubt that we often reach our highest potential in groups. From social justice...
Laura Clemesha & Marcus de Courtenay
Culture Innovation Insights Leadership Learning and Development Storytelling Strategy Teams

Digital Connections | Knowledge Transfer in Hybrid Environments

The Deloitte study Global Human Capital Trends found organisations believe “knowledge management” to be one of the top three issues influencing their success. And yet, despite how crucial it is for operational continuity and growth, large aspects of knowledge management...
Laura Clemesha & Marcus de Courtenay
Culture Innovation Insights Leadership Learning and Development Strategy Teams

The Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Shift is a Learning Shift

The case for diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) in organisations has been made extensively. To start, in our practice at Performance Frontiers we see it as the right thing to do on a human level. We are also seeing that...
Laura Clemesha & Marcus de Courtenay
Culture Insights Leadership Teams