Gretel Bakker

Founder & Research, Impact and Innovation Director

“The essence of our work is finding out about people, asking the right questions and working in creative ways… to be open, agile, and to have the foresight to create the best solutions.”

Gretel leads Performance Frontiers with a strong purpose and vision — to partner and support leaders and organisations navigating cultural change and regenerative transformation. From Fortune 500 companies to local startups, she works with CEOs and their teams to help them envision the future they want to create, and then develop the strategies, cultures, mindsets, and behaviours to make their vision a reality. 

As a whole system’s thinker and facilitator, Gretel has a unique ability to see to the heart of situations and support people to create practical and holistic solutions to the most complex challenges. Her engaging, incisive approach motivates leaders to develop their creative and critical thinking, and greater clarity and momentum, so they can break new ground and reach their potential. 

Gretel has also worked extensively as a mentor and executive coach of leaders from all levels and industry sectors, across Australia, Asia, and North America. She has been a keynote speaker nationally and internationally and is regarded as a thought leader in the fields of whole-systems thinking, transformation, human-centred design, arts-based practice, and leading through disruptive change. 

Every day, Gretel draws upon her optimism and heart-felt commitment to her work, to tap into the full potential of people and the collective power of networks and communities. Her deep connection to nature is her source of strength and perspective. 


  • Regenerative Transformation
  • Organisational and Cultural Change
  • Systems Thinking
  • Communication and Engagement
  • Change Management
  • Visioning and Strategy
  • Innovation and Creativity
  • Leadership Development
  • High Performing Teams
  • Agile and Lean Design
  • Executive Coaching and Mentoring
  • Design Thinking
  • Neuroscience
  • Innovation and Creativity
  • Sustainability


Middlesex University

Graduate Certificate of Neuroscience and Neuro-leadership

Stanford University

Customer Focused Innovation

Queensland University of Technology

Bachelor of Arts (Creative Industries)

Queensland University of Technology

Bachelor of Arts (Business)

Human Synergistics

Life Styles Inventory™/Group Styles Inventory™ Accredited Practitioner

Human Synergistics

Leadership/Impact® (L/I) Leadership Assessment Accredited Practitioner

Multi Health Systems

EQi2.0 Certified


Global Leadership Profile (GLP) Accredited Practitioner

People and Culture: DNA for the Age of Disruption

Harvard Business School

Leading Transformation in the Digital Age

Harvard Business School

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Articles by Gretel Bakker

Adaptive Leadership: Thriving in Complexity

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, it is the one that is the most adaptable to change.”– Charles Darwin Our world is a complex, unpredictable ecosystem, teeming with interwoven networks—natural and man-made—that...
Gretel Bakker & Dr. Hayley Linthwaite

Faciliative Leadership: The Art of Holding Space for Transformation 

Over the many years of working in the field of transformation, I have formed the opinion that facilitative leadership is not just a skill, it’s an art, a way of being, and a constant act of self-awareness, self-regulation, and attuning...
Gretel Bakker
Insights Leadership

The Art of Connection: A Curiosity for the New Year

As one year ends and another begins, we find ourselves in a unique space of possibility—a pause between the past and the future. This transitional moment invites questions rather than answers: What have I learned? What am I ready to...
Gretel Bakker
Insights Storytelling Storytelling