Leadership skills


PAUSE WITH PF | Episode 9 | Wise Leadership

In this month's #pausewithpf our Senior Associate, Paul Makeham, considers the powerful composite of "wise leadership" and ...
Pause with PF

Creative Leadership: Leading With and For Creativity

As technology continues its automation of programmatic work, the premium on creativity in the workplace only grows. Creativity allows us to imagine, play with, and build previously unknown futures. It is the fuel behind innovation, offering up the raw material...
Marcus de Courtenay
Culture, Innovation, Insights, Leadership, Learning and Development, Teams

Creative Courtyards | Making Space For Creativity

It’s been said that creative thought is at the core of human progress. In this context, it can be seen as the reason we enjoy our contemporary way of living and technological advancements. And yet creative thought is still regarded...
Dr. Marianne de Pierres
Culture, Innovation, Leadership, Learning and Development, Strategy, Teams

Bodies of Knowledge | What if your body has the answers you’ve been seeking?

By my actions teach my mind. ~ William Shakespeare  Remember when you were a child, and the world was not something just for your mind to understand?  It was a place for your hands to grasp, your nose to inhale,...
Marcus de Courtenay
Culture, Insights, Leadership, Learning and Development, Teams

De-escalating with CALM

After years of doom scrolling our way through the day, we are in many ways tired. One part of this is just the loss of our normal quality and joy of life from the pandemic: we have been languishing. Another...
Marcus de Courtenay
Culture, Insights, Leadership, Learning and Development, Teams

Improv for Agile Mindsets

As leaders are increasingly required to facilitate more collaborative, agile workspaces, so too must our skill bases and the focus of our professional development shift. More and more we need to hone our ability to listen, communicate, and learn to...
Gretel Bakker & Marcus de Courtenay
Culture, Innovation, Insights, Leadership, Learning and Development, Teams

Amping Your Somatic Intelligence

To remain relevant, competitive, and buoyant, organisations need to change the frequency of their actions into increasingly shorter cycles. This perpetual change demands new processes, systems and behaviours that can be challenging for workers. They may experience a sense of...
Dr. Natasha Budd
Insights, Leadership, Learning and Development, Teams

Growing Pains: What The Science Behind Hybrid Working Tells Us

​Zoom fatigue, back-to-back meetings, and lack of commute time to decompress… Hybrid working has brought with it a whole new raft of considerations and challenges. And while we know instinctively and practically how much our patterns of communication have changed,...
Gretel Bakker & Dr. Marianne de Pierres
Culture, Innovation, Insights, Leadership, Learning and Development, Strategy, Teams

The Social Animal: Finding Fulfilment

Many years of sociological research have identified a number of primary social needs that drive human behaviour. During periods of change and disruption, we can experience a particular threat to these needs, which may translate into anxious, stressed, and even...
Marcus de Courtenay & Dr. Chris Rowell
Culture, Innovation, Insights, Leadership, Learning and Development, Strategy, Teams